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With over 100,000 crowns designed and placed per year at Ottawa Dental Laboratory, we are able to provide a solution for any patient requirement. Over the last 85 years, we have perfected our zirconia crown and bridges and whether focusing on strength, esthetic, retention method, or precise fit, our highly trained lab technicians ensure a high-quality restoration every time.

OZ, Full Contour Zirconia, dental crown, tooth crown


Full Contour Zirconia

The ideal crown for the bruxing patient.


  • Excellent Fit
  • Extremely Durable
  • 1200 MPa
  • Superior Strength

Prep Requirements:

  • 1mm

Best Retention Method:

  • Cement

Optimal Tooth Position:

  • Molars
  • Bicuspids
OZT, Zirconia Translucent, dental crown, tooth crown


Zirconia Translucent

A new breed of Zirconia with an optimized microstructure and significant flexural strength.


  • Optimized Microstructure for Higher Translucency
  • Consistent Shades
  • 800 MPa
  • Predictable Esthetics

Prep Requirements:

  • 1mm

Best Retention Method:

  • Cement

Optimal Tooth Position:

  • Molars
  • Bicuspids
  • Anteriors
Polychromatic, OZ Signature, dental crown, dental bridge

OZ Signature


Without sacrificing esthetics, the OZ Signature is made with multi-strength Zirconia. Use it for single units or up to 14-unit bridges!


  • Suitable for Any Indication
  • Available in 20 Shades
  • 1200 MPa
  • Customize with MiYO Staining

Prep Requirements:

  • 1mm

Best Retention Method:

  • Cement

Optimal Tooth Position:

  • Molars
  • Bicuspids
  • Anteriors


Layered Zirconia

Our layered porcelain over zirconia blocks out dark preps for accurate shade match and allows for consistent esthetic results.

  • Optimal Esthetics
  • Extremely Accurate Margins
  • 1200 MPa Substructure
  • Natural Translucency by Layered Porcelain
Prep Requirements:
  • 1.5mm
Best Retention Method:
  • Cement
Optimal Tooth Position:
  • All Teeth

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